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Wednesday, January 22, 2025
4:48::12:::AM UTC
4:48::12 UTC
In the late 60's and early 70's I was into Citizen Band Radio. I remember when CB was for the hobbyist and channel 19 belonged to the drivers. I remember the CB craze of the seventies where television created a massive overload of CBer's carrying on so bad I lost interest in the hobby. In 1982 my wife and I tried to break into the Amateur hobby, we even took code classes. However, I could not get code! I must be a bit tone deaf.
In the fall of 2009 I met a friend who encouraged me to take a Technician class Hamfester's was giving in Tinley Park. My oldest son Bill3 (KC9QXO) and I took the class and I received a 100% on my exam. We then in March of 2010 took the General class and I also received a 100% on my test. Instructors Neil and Brian were great teachers. With their help and a lot of studying I was able to ace the tests.
In June of 2010 I took my Extra exam at field day, I now have my Amateur Extra License.